When Cheryl Dissed The Oatmeal

I was tinkering with Frustrashow’s Facebook page yesterday, giving myself a pat on the back for the new look and purpose of the blog, when I saw this post by The Oatmeal on my feed (it has been deleted). I’m sure you know what The Oatmeal is; honestly, The Oatmeal guy–Matthew Inman–is one of my biggest heroes when it comes to art and humor. The guy is just all sorts of crazy awesome.

To thank his fans for boosting his Facebook page to a million likes, The Oatmeal called on his fans to post photos of themselves on his wall and he would draw some of them in that awesome Oatmeal-style we’ve all grown to love. As it turns out, The Oatmeal guy was really pissed off by this woman named Cheryl who said all sorts of nasty things about him just because he didn’t draw her like his other fans on Facebook. But of course, it’s impossible to draw every fan who posts a photo on his page because there were literally thousands of photos posted.

So The Oatmeal rallied his fans and told them to draw Cheryl, and I happily participated. It took me about three minutes to draw a likeness of her profile picture using the Tayasui Sketches app on my iPad. I was blown away by the reaction of other Oatmeal fans to my drawing–more than 2,000 fans Liked it and Frustrashow’s FB page added several followers!

Too bad The Oatmeal had already deleted the post. I guess Cheryl had learned her lesson: basically, not to be a BIATCH online.

I’ve already said this on Facebook but let me say it again here: THANK YOU to everyone who Liked my drawing and followed Frustrashow’s page. If you’re looking for that drawing of Cheryl, here it is preserved for eternity in the secure vaults of imgur:

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